Below is a table showing the available includes:

Layout Description
ascii-art This is an optional include that includes the Linaro Sprinkle as Ascii art
author-posts The author-posts include outputs an author's posts based on page.username included in the _authors/ collection objects.
breadcrumb Includes a breadcrumb that's generated from the page path.
carousel-header Includes a carousel background image header.
css The css include adds the links to css packages which are currently compiled from the sass partials using the jekyll-assets plugin.
_includes/blog/display_latest_posts.html Displays the specified posts using the theme bootstrap 4 cards
disqus-comments This include adds disqus comments to a page. should be customized to include the correct shortname for disqus.
footer Includes the bootstrap footer which uses the footer.yml jekyll data file for adding content.
github-edit Adds GitHub Edit buttons to a page based on data.settings.edit-on-github in jekyll settings.yml data file.
google-analytics-script Adds the Google Analytics javascript to the head of the web pages. To modify change the or value to the your analytics code e.g.
google-analytics-script Adds the Google Analytics javascript to the head of the web pages. To modify change the value to the your analytics code e.g.
gtm-script Adds the Google Tag Manager javascript to the head of the web pages. To modify change the value to the your analytics code e.g.
gtm-no-script Used in the base.html layout to add the noscript iframe for the Google Tag Manager
head Includes the code for the website.
http2 Adds http2 preload/prefetch links to resources based on page specific resources/resources set in the value.
image Used to include lazy loaded images in the markdown of your blog posts/pages. Currently used jekyll-assets to find the path of an image based on an image name. Will be moving to use the full image path soon.
javascript Includes the compressed/uglified js packages which are compliled using jekyll-assets
jumbotron Adds the bootstrap jumbotron html to a page. Options for a carousel image header/video background header/breadcrumb/background image are available when using this include.
linaro-404 Adds the Linaro 404 SVG
linaro-svg Linaro logo as an SVG
media Includes a responsive media embed. Useful for including YouTube videos in posts/pages
nav Adds the Bootstrap navbar to a page. This include uses the nav.yml data file to add specified pages to the nav items. The universal nav is also include inside this jekyll include.
pagination Adds the pagination html for paginated jekyll collections/pages. Takes a path as a parameter e.g /news/:num/ where num is the paginated page number.
post-series Adds the post-series html to a blog post for linking to posts in the same series. Simply tag all posts in the same series with a series: value.
post-sidebar The sidebar which is included to the right of post. Gets the most recent/ random other blog posts.
post-tags Includes the post's tags in the sidebar.
read_time Calculates a posts read time based on the length of the content.
responsive-image Adds a responsive picture element utilising the jekyll-responsive-image plugin to regenerate images on site build
schema Adds schema json-ld to the head of the page.
sidebar Adds a sidebar using the Bootstrap stacked nav. This include uses the sidebar-nav.yml data file to build out the stacked nav's
sticky-tab-bar Adds an affixed Bootstrap tab bar to a page. This looks for settings in the page frontmatter or the sticky-tab-bar.yml Jekyll data file.
thumb Adds a responsive thumbnail image using the jekyll-repsonsive-image plugin.
thumbnail_image Adds a responsive thumbnail image using the jekyll-repsonsive-image plugin.
universal-nav Adds a universal navbar. We used this feature to link between our main static sites.
_includes/blog/tags.html Renders a tag cloud and related posts.
youtube Adds a lazy loaded youtube video.
flow Contains the logic for include content specified in the flow frontmatter section of a page that uses the flow layout. Basically just contains a bunch of if statements that include the relevant jekyll _includes


This include will render a list of posts based on the Jekyll category specified and optionally provide a post limit. You can use this include with the flow layout in the following way:

  - row: container_row
      - format: custom_include
        source: blog/display_latest_posts.html
        limit: 4 #Optionally provide a total number of posts to display. For this to render well use an even number.
        category: blog # Provide a post category to disp

You can also use this include to display an array of posts from within your own includes/layouts:

{% include blog/display_latest_posts.html posts=my_posts_array %}


This include is used to render a tag cloud and the related posts for each tag. You can specify a post category and only the tags for that category will render. Useful for sites that have a News and Blog section.

An example of how to use this include with the flow layout.

  - row: container_row
      - format: custom_include
        source: blog/tags.html
        category: blog

And an example page using this:

title: Tagged Blog Posts
permalink: /blog/tags/
description: >
  Filter blog posts by tag.
  title: Tagged Posts
  description: >
    Find tagged posts here.
  - row: container_row
      - format: custom_include
        source: blog/tags.html
        category: blog